Stream | 3.10.18
By Alan Dowd
To read the headlines is to glimpse a world that seems to be
spinning out of control: “Israeli Jet Shot Down after Bombing Iranian Site in
Syria,” “Russians Killed in US Airstrikes,” “India Tests Ballistic Missile,
Posing New Threat to China,” “2018’s Second Government Shutdown,” “French
Soldiers Killed by IED in Northern Mali,” “Putin Boasts of New Russian Nuclear
Weapons,” “Japan to Buy Cruise Missiles Capable of Striking North Korea,”
“China Sends 100 Christians to ‘Reeducation’ Camps,” “Britain to Test China by Sailing
Ship in Disputed Sea,” “17 Killed in Mass-Shooting at Florida High School,” “China
Threatens War over US-Taiwan Bill,” “Pakistan and India Exchange Artillery Fire,”
“Assad Still Using Chemical Weapons,” “Turkey to ‘Target’ US Troops in Syria,”
“Myanmar Bulldozes Rohingya Muslim Villages,” “15 Dead in Airstrike in Northern
Yemen,” “US Announces Sale of Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine over Russian Opposition,”
“18 Killed in Somalia Attacks.” And these headlines are just from the past 60
It all calls to mind a simple but powerful prayer offered by
U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry Black a few years ago: “Lord, deliver us from
governing by crisis,” he intonedin his reverent, baritone voice. “Provide this land
we love with your gracious protection…may we never cease to be grateful for the
numberless blessings we receive each day from your hands…Keep us from
shackling ourselves with the chains of dysfunction. Use our senators today to
serve your purposes…making them ever mindful of their accountability to
you…empowering us to be responsible stewards of your bounty…using judicious
compromise for the mutual progress of all.”
The prayer works on two levels.
First, it implicitly asks God to protect our country from
those crises beyond our control. In this broken world, our leaders are often
forced to make decisions in the midst of crises that are thrust upon them and
us: acts of war and terror like 9/11, massacres and mass-shootings like
Parkland and Vegas and too many others to count, natural disasters like the California
landslides and Caribbean hurricanes, man-made disasters like the East China Seaoil
spill, Syria’s refugee catastrophe and Venezuela’s collapse.
Pyongyang,Moscowand Washingtonare rattling nuclear sabers in ways that recall the coldest days of the Cold
War. There are wars raging in Ukraine and Yemen, Syria and Somalia, Afghanistan
and all across Africa—and rumors of war between Israeland Iran,America
and Russia, North and South Korea. People of faith—Christians and Yazidis
in Iraq, Muslims in Myanmar, Buddhists in China,
Jews in Europe—are
being persecuted because of their faith.
Here at home, we seem beset by crisis and division. Our
republic is under assault from withinand without.
There’s the daily threat of cyberattacks that could cripple our economy, an EMP
blast that could throw us backwards into the 1800s, a pandemic that could
kill millions and close us off from the world.
A Google search of “White House
in crisis” yields 329,000 results; “Congress in crisis” 264,000;
“constitutional crisis” 507,000; “budget crisis” 441,000; “immigration crisis”
Some will react to this list by longing for “the good old
days.” But the timeless words of Ecclesiastes caution against that: “Do not
say, ‘Why were the old days better than these?’ For it is not wise to ask such
questions.” And besides, our memories fail us. The world was a mess a decade
ago, a century ago, a millennium ago. It has been a mess ever since the Fall.
To be sure, we are called—as individuals and as a nation—to try to make things
better. But we don’t control nearly as much as we think. So, it doesn’t hurt to
ask God to help us avoid crises—to “deliver us from evil,” as it were.
A second reason Chaplain Black’s prayer is so apt relates to
those crises of our own making. Chaplain Black was asking God to intervene and
guide our leaders so that they stop resorting to kick-the-can governing and
stop viewing the other side of the aisle as enemy territory. We have real enemies
in this world, and those who don’t share our views on tax policy or welfare or
immigration or entitlements don’t deserve that label.
Indeed, Chaplain Black was not just praying for our country
and our elected representatives; he was speaking to our country and especially
to our elected representatives—challenging them to turn away from brinkmanship.
His prayer reminds us that in a representative system like
ours, where each branch of government can check and be checked by the other,
the majority is not vested with the powers of a czar; that the minority should
not act like an insurgency; that compromise is not a dirty word, but rather an
essential ingredient for making government work.
This is not a
call for everyone in Washington to hold hands and sing “Kumbaya”. That’s not
what the Founders envisioned. There’s a time for arguing about policy differences and philosophical
differences. But as Jefferson put it, “every difference of opinion is not a
difference of principle,” which means there’s a time to compromise—something the Founders themselves illustrated.
The Constitution they crafted was an exquisite compromise of divergent
views of government: Some wanted a strong union, with a strong central
government that could be wielded to act on behalf of a growing nation, while
others wanted power to reside in the states and sought to limit the power and
reach of the central government. Yet
both groups recognized they had to give a little in order to govern.
To govern is to bring some
semblance of order to a situation.It’s
important to remember that our God does not like crisis and chaos: Genesis
tells us He brought form and order out of chaos. Paul writes that He is not a God of disorder and that government authorities
are put in place for our own good.
implication is clear: Earthly government serves an essential function in God’s
plan. Legitimate governments exist to protect life and property, to be
instruments of justice, to deter and if necessary defeat enemies, to maintain
law and order—all so we can live peaceful, quiet lives, as Paul put it.
Jefferson called this the “pursuit of happiness.” This cannot happen if our
government lurches from crisis to crisis.
Black’s prayer reminds us that you and I have a role to play.
“The real business of your life as a saved soul,” as Oswald Chambers wrote a
century ago, “is intercessory prayer.” Most of us think of this as interceding
for the lost, and understandably so. But it also means interceding for our
country and those elected to govern.
We must never put our country ahead of our
faith. As Paul reminds us, “Our citizenship is in heaven.” But he also reminds
us we are supposed to pray for “all those in authority.” We serve our Lord and our
nation—in that order—by lifting our leaders up daily and asking God to steer
them around or through the storm clouds of crisis.