byFaith | Summer 2013
By Alan Dowd
Our culture may treat human life like trash, but Scripture reminds us why human
life is sacred:
Because God created life
Genesis tells us that God created man in His image and blessed humanity with a
part of Himself—“the breath of life.” John writes, “Through Him all things were
made.” According to David, God actually knits us together in the womb. Solomon
explains that God puts eternity in our hearts. And Paul points to conscience as
evidence that God’s signature is written on every heart.
Because God entered into life
Not only did God breathe
our first breath, He became Immanuel, “God with us.” He actually entered into
our humanness. By becoming one of the created, He made an unequivocal statement
about the sacredness of His crowning creation.
Because God is synonymous with
Jesus equates Himself
with life. “I am the way, the truth and the life,” He proclaims. Just as
earthly life comes from God, so does eternal life.
So, we should not take life outside
the narrow parameters defined in scripture, or tolerate the taking of life
outside those parameters, or minimize the taking of life through culture.